A quick intro of myself.

ShariShari Posts: 4Member
edited August 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone

Just thought I would do a quick intro of myself.

At the ripe old age of 43, I have decided to take up playing the guitar. I have tried it a couple of times in my youth and always failed. Now with my mid life crisis well in tow I decided to buy myself a Squier Strat Classic Vibe and learn some tunes. I also bought a ton of books with DVDs and am using You Tube a fair bit.

I have been playing for two weeks and know a fair amount of chords and can play the usual easy stuff like Wild Thing, All Right Now. I have the obligatory blisters on my fingers as I practice about 40 mins a night and am just about to learn the fret board a little more.

Really enjoying the challenge and going around guitar shops and looking at the toys and potential future purchases.

Hoping to get lots of help and guidance on the forum and be part of a support community.

All the best


  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    Welcome Shari! The Classic Vibe should be a nice instrument to be learning on. And we all enjoy going around guitar shops and discussing possible future purchases, I don't think that ever goes away lol. smile
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    Welcome Shari. Sounds like you have got past the giving up stage this time round. As Megi says, you seem to have the tools for the job. Good luck and keep us informed.
  • zoglugzoglug Posts: 314Member
    Welcome to the forum Shari! Im sure you will enjoy it here.

    Out of interest, what books & DVD's did you purchase? Also, what are your musical influences?
  • ShariShari Posts: 4Member

    Blimey, I have bought a few books including Guitar for Dummies,Absolute Beginners Guitar, A Collins book for beginers, A 3 Chord song book and couple of DVDs I picked up on Amazon that got good reviews. If there is a really good book or DVD top recommend let me know. I also have a teacher lined up for when I get frustrated with progress.

    Love all types of music especially 60s (Beatles, Byrds, Troggs). Generally listen to this and Muse, Metallica, AC/DC, Adele but love classical as well. I have over 500 CDs at home as I love my music.
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    Gibson Learn and Master Guitar is well worth a look. It is not cheap but quite highly regarded by a few here, myself included.
  • ShariShari Posts: 4Member
    Just ordered it from Amazon for £47. Not a bad price!
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    Download the free Bonus Resource pdf file from the Learn and Master site. Gives extra material to work with.
  • zoglugzoglug Posts: 314Member
    Im following the L&M guitar course and love it. Just working my way through session 2 but can already tell it has had a positive effect on my playing! I am sure you will love it.

    Some nice tastes in music too!
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