My next build

JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
I have contacted regarding a body for my next build. I have decided to go for a Tru-oil finished Walnut body, Maple neck (which I have), standard tuners this time, a solitary humbucker bridge pick up, tone cap switching using the selector switch and gold hardware. Time to start buying!


  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    Oooh! grin
  • zoglugzoglug Posts: 314Member
    Looking forward to seeing this develop, as i have begun planning my first build (will be 2014 when i start though!).
  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do too Jocko. I guess the single pickup will make it very much a classic rock guitar, and also allow for showing off the walnut body to maximum effect. Do you think you'll have any contouring on the body for comfort (and possibly looks), or will you go with the non-contoured "classic tele" shape?
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    My intention is the standard Tele shape.
  • Mark PMark P Posts: 2,314Member
    Very nice project - look forward to seeing this take shape.
  • martinsmith99martinsmith99 Posts: 391Member
    That site could be dangerous for my wallet! smile

    Have you bought from there before?
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    I haven't, but Megi has and I am going on his recommendation. He wasn't wrong about the Shine SIL510 so I trust him on this one.
  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    Originally Posted By: Jocko
    My intention is the standard Tele shape.
    It should be a beautiful looking guitar, with the clean lines and expanse of lovely walnut, tru-oil finished to your very high standards Jocko. With the gold hardware just adding a subtle bit of "bling" - gorgeous, I can picture it now!

    I have found Guitarbuild to be a very good place to use for the two previous builds I've done, and I'm sure for the current one I'm on now. I remember at the time when I was started my first build (tele) I was looking at the Warmoth site in the US, which is very impressive of course, but when I actually figured out the cost involved in getting a body made to my specs and shipped to the UK, for me at least, it was just a no go. Then a bit more searching on the web and I unexpectedly came across Guitarbuild who are in fact based in Lincoln, not too far from me. They seemed to be the nearest thing I could find to a "UK Warmoth". And I have been very pleased with the quality I've had from them, and very easy to talk to and make sure the design is exactly what you want if ordering a custom one-off (as was the case for my tele body, and very much for my current project).
  • The23rdmanThe23rdman Posts: 1,560Member
    That sounds ascetically wonderful. It's not a pickup arrangement I'd ever choose, but if it fills a gap then go for it.
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    Pickup choice is a style statement. Little to do with sound. I have all the sound combinations I need from guitars in my current collection.
    I am really building this guitar as a piece of art. It is my musical hotrod. Looks gorgeous but not particularly practical.
    It is also my swan song. If I didn't have an expensive neck to hand I wouldn't be building another guitar at all. Still, adding this to my collection will get me away from unlucky 13!
  • lancpudnlancpudn Posts: 1,393Member
    Looking forward to seeing the walnut body, that's going to look killer. cool
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    Ordered all the hardware so I can send bridge and pickup to for accurate routing. Phil is being very helpful. Pays to be a friend of Megi.
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    Body shape and configuration settled on. Two piece Walnut body, single bridge rout for humbucker, tummy contour on rear of body.
    Here are a couple of rough, artists impressions, to show what I am going for.

  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    It's going to be pretty I think Jocko. The walnut should provide something striking and different looking. Will it have a tele-style bridge i.e. that goes round the bridge pickup? I have seen those done for humbuckers. I'm also very curious to know what machine heads and other hardware you'll be going for, but perhaps I will just have to wait and find out lol. smile
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    Most of the parts coming from Axesrus. Delivery scheduled for Wednesday, then I will post photos. Modern Tele bridge, Schaller style rear locking tuners, Knee Jerk humbucker.
  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    Sounds great - those Schaller style locking tuners are absolutely top notch, very stable, high quality, and they look really cool to boot.
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    That's me got most of the hardware together, though I keep forgetting to order bits. Ordered this lot then thought, "string trees". This lot arrived today and no control plate. Ordered that then thought, s**t, ferrules still to order. What a clown. Good job it's not a house I am building.
    Requested firm quote for body from last night so waiting on price so I can get it ordered.
    Anyway, as promised, here is a photo.

  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    Thank you for the picture Jocko. I do the same thing with forgetting parts, it's all too easy. One good thing about Axesrus is there is generally no postage, so at least it only costs time, and not money.
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    Yes, that is the case. I am not in a dreadful hurry either. My plan is, as the nights draw in, I'll make a serious start to it. I want it finished by Christmas, and have set the serial number accordingly. ie 08122013-01. It will be designated the Jocko Tru-squire.
  • lancpudnlancpudn Posts: 1,393Member
    Originally Posted By: Jocko
    That's me got most of the hardware together, though I keep forgetting to order bits. Ordered this lot then thought, "string trees". This lot arrived today and no control plate. Ordered that then thought, s**t, ferrules still to order. What a clown. Good job it's not a house I am building.
    Requested firm quote for body from last night so waiting on price so I can get it ordered.
    Anyway, as promised, here is a photo.

    Saweeeet, theres nowt like a box o new parts grin
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    That's me just placed the order for the body. Getting kind of excited now.
  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    Originally Posted By: Jocko
    Yes, that is the case. I am not in a dreadful hurry either. My plan is, as the nights draw in, I'll make a serious start to it. I want it finished by Christmas, and have set the serial number accordingly. ie 08122013-01. It will be designated the Jocko Tru-squire.
    I've got to agree with your un-hurried approach, I've learnt that that's best for me with projects too. So the serial number means "built from August to December, 2013, number one (just in case you decide to build another one at the same time lol)" if I read it correctly? A good system. I like the Jocko Tru-squire name as well, works well. Exciting to hear you've already got the body ordered!
  • LesterLester Posts: 1,730Member, Moderator
    Originally Posted By: Megi
    So the serial number means ...

    Whereas I read the serial number to mean that it will be ready on 8th December 2013, 01 designating that this is Jocko's first guitar build this year.
  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    Originally Posted By: Lester
    Originally Posted By: Megi
    So the serial number means ...

    Whereas I read the serial number to mean that it will be ready on 8th December 2013, 01 designating that this is Jocko's first guitar build this year.
    We need the man himself to tell us which one I think! smile
  • Mark PMark P Posts: 2,314Member
    Originally Posted By: Jocko
    Good job it's not a house I am building.

    Like the guy that built his two storey house and was so used to using the scaffolding to reach the upper floor that he forgot to put any stairs in! Could maybe be an urban myth perhaps? wink

    Very nice looking hardware - this is going to end up a very classy looking job methinks. cool
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    08-August, 12-December, 2013 and 01 for first build of the year.
    I started it with the Tru-caster. Wanted a pseudo serial number on the headstock and the start and finish months seemed as good as anything.

  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    This is the wiring diagram I intend for my single pickup setup.

    I will keep the 3 position switch but have it switching "no tone control", "standard humbucker tone control" and "twice the capacitance in the tone control circuit".
    I will turn the control plate round so that the Volume is too the front, Tone is in the middle and Tone Selector is too the rear.
  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    It's certainly different, I've not seen that done before but why not. Not that it matters, but I think if it was me, I'd be doing something with wiring the pickup coils in different ways - but of course this it isn't me lol, and this project must reflect your ideas. And actually, I do think this circuit fits in beautifully with the hot-rod, custom vibe you are going for - the guitar will be beautiful and clean to look at, and focused simply on the classic bridge humbucker sound, and the switch just allowing a bit of subtle variation on that theme - no need for anything more. I do remember an electric guitar luthier once telling me that soundwise, there is a certain magic something about just a single bridge humbucker, that is lost when a neck pickup is added as the extra pickup magnets affect the string vibrations.
  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member
    Cheers for explaining the serial no. btw - I know you did that once before about the Trucaster, but I'd forgotten. blush
  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
    The pickup is only 2 wire so no option for coil switching.

    Don't know if open switch contact will be an issue. (Noise pickup via resistor [aerial effect])
    If so I will use second side of switch and put switch between volume and tone pots.
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