Hello, can you take this survey for my own research, please? You don't have to answer all of the questions if you don't want to...
Do you know anyone (including yourself) who is looking for composition lessons? (Especially film or game music composition lessons).
How many people do you know are looking for these lessons?
If you or anyone else is looking for composition lessons, are you/they having difficulty finding a teacher who teaches the subject?
Do you or anyone else you know already take such lessons?
If so, how long have you/they been taking them?
Why did you/they choose to get these lessons or why do you/they want them?
If you are taking such lessons, how did you find out about them?
If you know anyone else who is taking such lessons, how did they find about them?
How much are you willing to pay for an hours music composition lesson?
If you are getting/looking for these lessons, what age and sex are you?
If you know anyone else getting these lessons, what age and sex are they?