All Modes in all positions (with TAB)

Using the modes, displaying them on the neck and combining them with each other is something that takes more than one lead guitarist. Many people who write to me asking about this problem and how to solve it. In this exercise what I try to show is a practical way to be able to exchange them and especially within the tempo.


1. Creation Of A Phrase And Melodic Analysis
In this step what we are going to do is create a phrase in Ionic mode, it does not matter what tonality (I propose Ionian G). It is important for the exercise to be complete that all the degrees of the mode appear in this sentence. Once created, we analyze the degrees that appear in it.

2. Modal Exchange
Once the analysis of our phrase is done, we do the same but in all modes and keeping the same tone. That is, if we have made a phrase in Ionian G, we do the same but in Doric G, Phrygian G, Lydian G, etc. In this way, we can see how the degrees of the mode vary depending on the mode in which I am. Keep in mind that the more octaves I use and positions to make my phrase, the more complex it will be (and more complete). Adapt this concept to your level.

3. Using The Metronome
After viewing the modes and changing the degrees in each mode, my recommendation is to use the metronome: set a tempo to play the mode and a distance in bars for the mode change. For example: playing at 120 bpm and between modes and leaving a measure of difference. This is especially important, because with the use of the metronome I will be able to know at what speed I am able to switch modes and it is a very useful way to quantify my improvement. In addition, having the ability to visualize the modes at the moment is extremely important to play styles where modal exchange is frequent (jazz, fusion, blues, ...) also in a concert or jam session you will rarely have time to take a few minutes to think.

I hope it has been very useful, I am available to answer questions on any of my social networks.

PDF of the exercise on my website


  • nicholaspaulnicholaspaul Posts: 1,005Member
    Handy stuff! A while ago I decided to learn all the modes by rote, and it has paid off. I tend to think of them as different positions of the same scale rather than different flavours or sounds. That is, I don’t think of playing in a certain mode, except maybe Dorian or minor. So then I can think of mixolydian as just the same scale five positions up. Something like that. Anyway, it’s a good thing to know.
  • oriolmusicoriolmusic Posts: 30Member
    yeaah, thaks for. watching
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