I am struggling to find the chord

JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator
I am struggling to find the chord in Hayden Panettiere's "Nothing In This World Will Ever Break My Heart Again". The 5 note run at the beginning, F, E, D, A and C is over the chords F, C, Bb, ? and C. It is an A of some kind, but I do not have a good enough ear to isolate it. Is it Adim? 


  • BryBry Posts: 652Member

    Sounds like another F to me

  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator

    It is certainly an F for the rest of the song. Maybe just needs F/A to sound right. Chordify comes up with an A but that certainly doesn't work to my tin ear.

  • MegiMegi Posts: 7,208Member

    FWIW I think it is an F/A - the bass player is certainly playing a low A, and listening to the strummed guitar (panned to the left in the mix) that sounds like he's strumming a pretty standard F major chord. So if trying to get the same effect on a solo guitar, something like x03211 or x0321x seems to me about as good as you can do for the chord in question.


  • JockoJocko Posts: 7,107Member, Moderator

    Yes. F/A works for me. Thanks guys. I love that song. The other half and I use that for our signature Rumba.

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