Marshall JCM2000 TSL602 For Sale

Screaming DaveScreaming Dave Posts: 812Member
edited November 2022 in Used Guitar Gear For Sale
Long shot, I know, but I’m selling my Marshal “Triple Super Lead” 60W 2x12 combo, oif anyone’s interested?

It’s in great condition, has been recently fully service by Marshall and re-valved and has a killer sound. Nice bright sparkly cleans right up to absolutely filthy distortion.

Honest truth is, I’m only selling it because I’m getting too old to lug it about.

PM me if interested


  • Screaming DaveScreaming Dave Posts: 812Member
    So, I did manage to sell this, but what a beating I took. I ended up only getting £280, for what was a thousand pound amp at the point they stopped producing them!

    Seems no one wants big ol’ tube amps any more. Am I a dying breed?
  • Kevin PeatKevin Peat Posts: 3,235Member
    Hi Dave.

    I couldn't resist coming here as soon as I got the message. The chores can wait.

    Sorry to hear about the tube amp sale. There's nothing like a good old tube amp.
  • Kevin PeatKevin Peat Posts: 3,235Member
    PS. My new hobby is watches. Affordable collectables.
  • Screaming DaveScreaming Dave Posts: 812Member
    They definitely take up less room than guitars, and easier to take with you when Hurrican Colin strikes!

    You're still playing guitar, though?
  • Kevin PeatKevin Peat Posts: 3,235Member

    I mainly: workout, dog walk, work in a Spar part-time (retired from the railway last year) collect uniforms and accessories for my Action Man and I am now a Samaritan (and trainer.) I lost my little brother to suicide a couple of years ago and have taken my elderly mum in. Hence the slightly early retirement.

    Samaritans volunteering is helping me more than I'm helping it !!! It's very fulfilling.

    Life is good in general. The boys have done well and one's in Australia (soon to be married) and the other is in Salisbury doing well in his career too. My wife is happy too.
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