Rewiring an old Gorilla GG-20 combo amp

Rock & RollRock & Roll Posts: 627Member
I am in need of a cabinet for my Zvex nano head, but I don't think there is much chance of me buying one any time soon . However, I have an old Gorilla GG-20 combo amp, shown below

I had the idea that maybe I would be able to rewire the speaker to an input jack, and use it as a speaker cab until I can get a real one.

Has anyone any experience with doing this sort of thing? I have never tried anything like this before


I realise that it won't sound any good, but it should be better than nothing


  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Posts: 355Member
    i guess it'll depend on how the input jack is connected- if it's straight onto the PCB, you might need a new jack, but if it's on flying leads you might be able to wire it right away.

    Either way it's probably not that hard
  • nadnad Posts: 1,983Member
    If it were me, I'd just get a speaker lead, lop one end off and then solder that to the connection plate on the speaker. Et voila. \:\)
  • Rock & RollRock & Roll Posts: 627Member
    connection plate? what would that look like?
  • ScroogeScrooge Posts: 399Member
    If you're serious about doing this, you really should have at least looked inside your amp by this point. When you see the speaker it'll be pretty obvious how to connect it up to another wire, unless the terminals have been welded to the wire fed from the amplifier.

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